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Corporate Profile


  • Greeting from YUKEN
  • Company Doctrine
  • Sustainability
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Introduction Movie

Greeting from YUKEN

Motohiro Katagiri

Mission Statement:
Be invaluable in the protection of the global environment and the creation of new products.

Management Goal:
Move ahead confidently facing new challenges while generating innovations to improve society.

This year marks the 74th anniversary of the founding of our company, and we truly appreciate your continual patronage and cooperation in our business activities.

Operation methods have changed since we went through the Covid pandemic. Furthermore, we continue facing a harsh market environment where supplies of parts and raw materials are not consistent and resources and transportation costs are increasing.

Under these circumstances, we are keenly aware of our responsibilities as a corporation in society. We continue to improve our unique and innovative surface treatment technologies, and strive to reinvent the business structures that will propel us to our 100-year mark. Our foremost priority is protection of the environment, and in so doing, we hope to improve the overall image of the surface treatment industry.

In particular, we remain committed to sustainability and the development of products friendly to people and the environment. We also promote 5R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse, Repair) activities in our efforts to become carbon negative.

In the automotive industry, a sector we are deeply involved with, we are witnessing a once-in-a-century transformation. Specific areas have become focus points, and in particular, the conversion to electric vehicles has been strongly promoted for decarbonization.

We are observing the change from internal combustion engines (fossil fuels) to motors (electricity). In addition, we expect to see related technologies and the associated innovations begin to impact all aspects of our lives.

We are keenly aware of the need to keep up with engineering innovations as we consider how we can utilize and promote our surface treatment technologies. In so doing, we remain vigilant of any changes in the market environment, without focusing too much on conventional frameworks. Our agility in creating innovative products using our surface treatment technologies will surely help us fulfill a crucial role in the future society.

In addition, society’s awareness toward the environment has greatly evolved. It is essential for us to continue playing a part in solving global-scale environmental issues. This involves working toward CO2 emission reductions and energy efficiency improvements as we strive to live in harmony with the environment and society.

Furthermore, we need to respond to our stakeholders and continue earning their trust by promoting diversity and strengthening corporate governance. And we continue promoting ESG management (Environment, Social and Governance) to fulfill our responsibilities and improve our corporate value.

Working toward a sustainable future, we strive through our business activities to realize our corporate mission and achieve our management goals. In so doing, we hope to contribute to society and fulfill our stakeholders’ expectations. We look forward to working with you, to serving your needs, and to your support of our endeavors in the future!

Motohiro Katagiri
Motohiro Katagiri